Wednesday, June 06, 2007

An update

What ho from Teyhass! It's finally starting to get warm down here and I must say that if these 90ish days in early June are anything to go by, July and August are going to be real scorchers. I am continuing to get acclimated to life here, what with work and study and all that fits in between. I continue to covet your prayers as there is some frustration over how many credits I actually have. Counting my PHC credits and the paralegal coursework I did with ParaLegalTech and the current CLEPs I have accrued the total would be some 76 credits. No paltry sum to be sure. However, the majority opinion hereabouts is for me to discount my PHC and paralegal work, dropping me back to 21 credits. Reason for the furrowed brow and squinted eye, what? I am exploring the alternatives and seeking to still make use of the academic time spent at PHC as well as the other work I've done. Rather sling along without losing the larger portion down the drain, if you know what I mean. There are times I wonder how I can adequately explain myself to those steeped in a system where anything but regionally (the highest level attainable, and no, I don't know why regional is higher than national) recognized credits are tossed out as so much wasted effort. Words fail one. One considers a few slight taps with a heftish plumbers wrench, or perhaps hypnosis as alternative methods of getting the word across. However, upon reflection these methods leave somewhat to be desired and must be cast aside. Perhaps you can discern from the rambling and reflective mood of this epistle that the issue has gotten right in amongst the inner man. As previously mentioned, I would covet your prayers as to my dealing with the issue of how best to use my past work in my current situation. More updates to follow. May the road rise to meet you in the meantime.