Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Long time no write.  Mostly it's 'cause I've been busy--figures doesn't it?  Maintenance is really slowing down, or was when I headed home for my week vacation (to lay a tile floor), and the life of a camp counselor is definitely more demanding than I originally thought.  As of now, I have seven great guys in my wing--named after the playwright Eugene O'Neill--Michael Farris, Joshua Holcomb, Thomas Delgado, Evan Carlson, Steven Patterson, Benjamin Kay, and T. Elliot Gaiser.  They've been very low maintenance and very productive, from vacuuming at 06:45 to activities ALL day, to Bible study at night.  For me it's been a bit of a shift from having a day that runs 8-5 to going 6-11.  Sleep is already a rare commodity and gaining value with every moment I'm awake :~).  I should be able to update my blog more frequently now so for those few readers still out there I hope you are able to take some light refreshment in the news and ramblings I plan to add.