Saturday, May 26, 2007

Feeling touched

Well friends, I've been touched. Tagged. Transcendentally tipped by a fellow terrestrial. In a word, I'm "It." We've all known it for some time, but now my good friend and compatriot in escapades great and small, Gabriel Waddell, has broadcast this information to the world. I will now revel in this fact for a prescribed period. Please feel free to approach the presence and offer your fealty...(slight pause). Ahem. *Slight frustrated glance in the direction of a retreating figure.* 'Twould seem I have been grossly misinformed. Apparently, "tagged" is the more appropriate term and I am now obligated by forces outside my control to share seven (7) extremely interesting and surprising facts about my person. I must admit at the outset that I feel somewhat snookered, but for the sake of the common good I will dispense the pertinent information forthwith.

7th fact of incontrovertible truth: My left hand is not as strong as my right, probably due to the fact that I wore my watch too tightly for some years.

6th fact of incontrovertible truth: I truly enjoy English Tea (Ceylon and Darjeeling) and I find the afternoon the best time to indulge this particular interest.

5th fact of incontrovertible truth: I enjoy spending quiet time with good friends. I mean that simply being with them but not saying anything is a very pleasurable experience--just being with them is a good time even if no words are exchanged.

4th fact of incontrovertible truth: I have always wanted to be a drummer and my bones or wooden castanets are my small attempt to express this. Drum solos give me goosebumps and there are times I wish I'd chosen the other instrument in the Fife and Drum Corps.

3rd fact of incontrovertible truth: I have a favorite kind of footwear, and no, its not boots. Boat shoes hold that particular place of honor.

2nd fact of incontrovertible truth: Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane has always seemed like an idiotic act to me, and I want to do it.

1st fact of incontrovertible truth: I have always enjoyed singing--this hopefully does not come as a surprise. However, the fact that my initial inspiration came from Matthew Ward might be new information.

I now am also compelled to ascribe this same task to another magnificent seven. Peter Sauer (constant pressure makes diamonds out of carbon, or complete basket cases out of ordinary folks--which are you Pete? No pressure ... :~), Chris Moss (because if I can do this, he can do it better), Katy Jones (because she saw it coming--I'd hate for her to be disappointed), Laura Molzon (because Free Indeed deserves to know), Daniel Archer (Tenors together, tagged together), Sarah Grosjean (because if I didn't, Katy would), and Kyle Pousson (through the wars yet again, ol' buddy?).

Enjoy, and don't ever do that again.


Blogger Unknown said...

here goes!
Strange and surprising fact #1:
I hate crowds, or even small groups, if they are very loud. it annoys me to death, and if i cant escape i snap and start shooting people. (that is a bad thing)

Strange and surprising fact #2:
I want a motorcycle. (okay not so strange or surprising... but true none the less) and it has been on my mind... well alot

Stange and surprising fact #3
I love being alone. *grins* i am a ferdinand

Strange and Surprsing fact #4
I know what it feels like to swim in mud, and yes... it was quite delightful (for a 6 year old boy) and yes i would do it again if i could

Strange and surprising fact #5
i like flower and sunrises. I stop and smell the roses when i am working lawns (yes i get wierd looks) and no i dont feel girly doing it. it takes a real man to smell a rose on the job

Strange and Surprising fact #6
i know what i want to do with my life. YEAH never thought i would write those words. (that is why it is surprising) but i do know what i want... whether it will happen or not... that is up to God

Strange and surprising fact #7
I HATE cheapo knives. or cheapo anything for that matter. Down with china! so... yeah... i hate it. they reek of incompitence and mediocrity. and that is a pet peeve of mine. if it is worth doing... it is worth doing well.

so now... you can see the tip of the iceburg. thats me! 95% under the surface

2:30 PM  
Blogger Kate said...

No fair! I wanted to tag Sarah!

8:18 PM  
Blogger A Scottish Whisper said...

Three words: Consider the AIP. ;~)

10:57 PM  
Blogger Ashley said...

oh coolness! You and I both want to go skydiving :-p And I hadn't even read yours yet.

9:31 AM  
Blogger Daniel said...

I finally did it. :p

10:28 PM  

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