This is the view from the front door as you walk into apartment 7208. The kitchen is very nicely situated and the only downside we can discern is that the cupboard space is too narrow. Dishwasher, refridgerator, freezer, microwave, oven, and range all work exceptionally well. For those of a perceptive bent, yes, that is a 10-inch cast iron skillet on the stove. It is mine. You may admire from a distance, but no, the owner/operator has turned the "no handling" light on. ;-)

This is our small yet functional table. When one is baching it, one should live as though one is baching it, no?

A view from the kitchen into the living room with our couch and one of the floor lamps we recently acquired. Notice the fan has no light fixture. The rooms are similarly accoutered with two light switches and no fan or light.

A little better shot over the sink and into the family room and sun room as I think of it, on account of all the windows. Very nice for studying, sitting, reading, lounging, talking, musing, perusing, meandering, postulating, and divulging. Already a well-used room.

A shot from the sun room into the family room and kitchen. From this vantage point you can see the small workspace built into the wall and the door into the back bedroom. The apartment really is somewhat expansive, and even with all our stuff (such as we brought) it still looks rather empty. We're working on changing that. :~)

This is a closer view of the little workstation and its compactness. Still trying to figure out the best way to utilize this space without making it look cramped.

View from the couch of my sleeping quarters in the front bedroom. A nice arrangement if I do say so myself.

The bunk bed with the reading lights because as you can see, from the plastic circle in the ceiling where the lights
should be, there is no conventional lighting system as yet in place. Even with this fault, the housing situation is quite desirable, and I am in no position to complain.

Everything really is bigger in Texas! And everything, and I do mean
Everything has Texas on it. Including our shower curtain, shower rings, and bath mat. If only other states (and commonwealths) could learn by example...

And finally a view of the front door as it appears to the inhabitants. The first door on the left is our coat closet, which is quite adequate for our needs. The slightly harder to see second door on the left is the front bathroom were Texas decor so strongly holds sway. Invisible from this particular angle is a door on the right that leads to the laundry room where we have space for a washer and dryer, even though they have yet to be acquired. All in good time, if necessary, I'm sure.
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