In His Time
My goodness, must I start off every post apoligizing for not having posted in quite a while? ;-) T'would seem I must since it has been quite a while since my last post. Anyhoo, here am, what?
Life is going very well for the most part. Who can't say that at just about any moment? It's one of those vague, open-ended sort of paragraph-opening statements, which, if you'll note its placement, is how I've contrived to use it on this occasion. But seriously, I'm doing rather well (another vague generality, I know) and working to adjust to the ever-increasing stresses of full blown campaign season.
I could rant and rave, and possibly even wax eloquent concerning the specific and minutely irritating stresses that make up my days, but that would no doubt bore you. Ranting and raving has its points, don't get me wrong, it's just not known to be encouraging or uplifting and that is more along the lines of what I would communicate.
Ever felt like the world was ganging up on you? P.G. Wodehouse mentions it as feeling "as though fate was waiting around the next corner with a bit of lead pipe." Now hold on...HOLD ON! This is going to be positive. I've been feeling in the aforementioned manner lately but so many folks have been such an encouragement to me that it has quite tipped the scales in the other direction. Yes, some times at work have been more than rough. Yes, there have been some longer days and unrestful nights. But on top of that the Lord has used friends and family members to show me that I never have it hard enough to not trust Him.
Trusting is hard to do. Especially when it comes to trusting God for other your parents. Being an oldest has certain perks, and certain unperks. Knowing too much about your parents particular failings can be a very great detriment to your relationship with them. It can certainly hinder your comfort in trusting such amazingly sinful people. And yet, reading Scripture, I have yet to find a passage that gives me an out. Mostly I find passages that speak of my obligations and how God calls me to obey them. Trusting them is my responsibility; using them for my good because He has put them over me is God's responsibility. So in essence, when I don't trust them I'm saying that my finite standards for placing trust in someone are greater than the infinite standards of God. Sure sounds like a plan for my best interest doesn't it?
I know I'm to place my trust in God and not worry about changing my parents, but knowing it doesn't make it easy. And yet, there is a peace that comes from resting in God's sovereign care that covers all my worries. That is the uplifting news I want to share. It isn't easy, and I don't really think it ever will be, but lately God has been giving me encouragement through His Word and the people He has placed in my life that trusting in Him is the only truly safe option.
I can worry all I want about what I perceive as poor decisions and frustrating acts on the part of my parents. I can worry every moment about the safety of the people I love. All my worrying won't change who my parents are or protect my loved ones. Only God's wisdom and grace can keep me humble before Him and my parents. Only his love and protection can guard the ones I love.
In His time He will add maturity to my age and wisdom to my knowledge. As He sees fit I will come to know what love really means. Till then, trusting Him to work through my parents and guard my loved ones is the only safe option.
Life is going very well for the most part. Who can't say that at just about any moment? It's one of those vague, open-ended sort of paragraph-opening statements, which, if you'll note its placement, is how I've contrived to use it on this occasion. But seriously, I'm doing rather well (another vague generality, I know) and working to adjust to the ever-increasing stresses of full blown campaign season.
I could rant and rave, and possibly even wax eloquent concerning the specific and minutely irritating stresses that make up my days, but that would no doubt bore you. Ranting and raving has its points, don't get me wrong, it's just not known to be encouraging or uplifting and that is more along the lines of what I would communicate.
Ever felt like the world was ganging up on you? P.G. Wodehouse mentions it as feeling "as though fate was waiting around the next corner with a bit of lead pipe." Now hold on...HOLD ON! This is going to be positive. I've been feeling in the aforementioned manner lately but so many folks have been such an encouragement to me that it has quite tipped the scales in the other direction. Yes, some times at work have been more than rough. Yes, there have been some longer days and unrestful nights. But on top of that the Lord has used friends and family members to show me that I never have it hard enough to not trust Him.
Trusting is hard to do. Especially when it comes to trusting God for other your parents. Being an oldest has certain perks, and certain unperks. Knowing too much about your parents particular failings can be a very great detriment to your relationship with them. It can certainly hinder your comfort in trusting such amazingly sinful people. And yet, reading Scripture, I have yet to find a passage that gives me an out. Mostly I find passages that speak of my obligations and how God calls me to obey them. Trusting them is my responsibility; using them for my good because He has put them over me is God's responsibility. So in essence, when I don't trust them I'm saying that my finite standards for placing trust in someone are greater than the infinite standards of God. Sure sounds like a plan for my best interest doesn't it?
I know I'm to place my trust in God and not worry about changing my parents, but knowing it doesn't make it easy. And yet, there is a peace that comes from resting in God's sovereign care that covers all my worries. That is the uplifting news I want to share. It isn't easy, and I don't really think it ever will be, but lately God has been giving me encouragement through His Word and the people He has placed in my life that trusting in Him is the only truly safe option.
I can worry all I want about what I perceive as poor decisions and frustrating acts on the part of my parents. I can worry every moment about the safety of the people I love. All my worrying won't change who my parents are or protect my loved ones. Only God's wisdom and grace can keep me humble before Him and my parents. Only his love and protection can guard the ones I love.
In His time He will add maturity to my age and wisdom to my knowledge. As He sees fit I will come to know what love really means. Till then, trusting Him to work through my parents and guard my loved ones is the only safe option.
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