Wednesday, December 22, 2004


Greetings from the frozen southlands...Ooops, wait, that was yesterday. Greetings from the balmy southlands! I hope this post finds you in good health...and your family as well...because, "if you don't have your health, you don't have anything." I do love this time of year, especially in Virginia, where one can wear shorts one day and a polartec the next. Or if you're really risky, doing both at once. I'm sorry (well, no, I'm not), the populus majorus in the local area in general, and Wal-Mart in particular have no sense of style or fashion whatsoever! Just goes to show that one should not, I repeat, should not, take one's ideas for accoutering oneself in various apparel from a large store. I'm sure that I am well understood.
Life continues to go on, despite rumors to the contrary. Christmas will shortly be upon us--Praise the Lord, Glory Hallelujah! And then New Year's, with the partying and fellowshipping that entails--Football, Fireworks, and Fizz, Oh My! And then, and then, my best beloved comes The First Party. Having acquired the third installment of that most wonderful of trilogies, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, we have vowed to have such friends over as we are able, and with them to celebrate this great achievement by Wingnut Films and New Line Cinema. In short, we are going to have a party with the intent of watching all three extended edition films at one sitting.
The next party will be one of special magnificence, which should put us all into an uproar. The Second Party will take place following the release of the Director's Cut in February *tingles run up and down spine* and it will be at least an hour longer per film than even the extended edition. This will probably need to be a sleep-over since 23 hours of movie is a little much to fit into 1 day. Fudge time must be taken into account (preferably the dark kind with nuts and 'lubrication') as well as time to discuss the new scenes and all that they bring to the fullness of the film as a whole. Aaaaaah.
So as you can see, I've got some things to look forward to. One always does--which is a good thing. Sometimes, however, the difficulty of the road obscures the view of the journey's end. Ah'm moost graetfahl that mah haed ha' bin quite liphtad oop 'ah late, as ez probl'ly ehvidant ehn mah waxin' ah wee tad elokwen' ehn thahs pohst.

Cheerio 'n Tootlepip!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Merry ChrisMoss!

Stretch the fingers, calibrate the brain, start typing...'tis very nice. What with the house smelling like gingerbread, plum pudding candles, cinnamon, and generally Christmas, I really am enjoying being at home. All the baking, cooking, and craziness is beginning to get to me, dontcha know? My dad is having his company's Christmas party at our house this Friday and my brothers and I have the honor of serving as waiters--no pressure :-). The following evening Chris, Tim, and I are going to be at it again, serving at a friend's party. Fun, Fun, Fun! I'm staying very busy working on schoolwork through Paralegal Tech, trying to find a job, baking, running errands, and trying to work on my book. This time of year life seems to take particular joy in wrapping you around a 2x4 and riding you down a hill. However, the reason for the season is constant and the true JOY that we celebrate helps keep everything in perspective. Where we'd be without Him doesn't bear thinking about, except to cause us to be more amazed in our Savior.

I do want to wish each and everyone of those of you reading this a most Merry ChrisMoss (as we say in my house on account of my brother, Chris) and a Happy New Year. Enjoy the time with family and friends, let the stress of the past semester take its own break from you :-). In closing, I would like to leave you with a blessing medley:
Gaelic Blessing
Aaronic Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you.
The Lord bless you and keep you,
May the wind be always at your back.
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
And be gracious to you
The rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
And give you peace.